Mind Over Muddle Being male, Michael has not come to grips with the concept that emotions are determined to confuse otherwise seemingly clear situations. Being an early-middle-epoch American male, he has yet to understand that his body is going to do the same. Now that his mind is slipping, these ignored components of his psyche are taking pot-shots at his equilibrium. His blissless haze of responsibility and endurance is occasionally rent by shotgun-blast-flashes of dubious desire. Most men at this juncture would buy a sports car and be done with it. Michael is embarrassed to admit such a cliche. He does, however, gaze longingly at Harley's and Norton's of politically correct vintages. Since he hasn't amassed the macho posturing necessary for these options, he is determined to construct a model of his mind which will explain away the behavior. Things take a turn for the worse when another non-romance falters. The pattern is becoming clear. He meets an interesting person. They have much in common. It might be a cynical sense of humor, an interest in trashy objects, not owning a television, any combination of usually frowned upon behaviors. He thinks, "Hey, having someone to talk to is fun". The person turns out to be an attractive female. Something in him demands, "I must fuck her". This sounds like a good idea, but requires some mediation. Then, suddenly, he feels, "I'm in love". Things deteriorate from there. A conversation is taking place in a cafe. " . . . the political aspects of mass culture", she says. "Sure", he replys, "the crap they buy is what they think they want because they believe the media. But some of it is actually great crap. It reflects the entire culture. Like Barbie dolls." "God, I hate those things. I always wanted one, but my mother thought they were too 'mature' for a little girl. As much as we hate to admit it, most of us wish we were her at some point." "I always wanted to be James Bond. Too cool." Something twinges in Michael's lower torso. His brain stem has responded to the 007 suggestion. He thinks, "I should sit up straight". "Oh, yeah. And the women in those movies. What bimbos. Actually I wanted to be 'The Man from Uncle' guy, you know the Russian." "Ilyia, yup". She's very sweet, I wonder what our babies would look like? flashes through his limbic cortex. His heart delays a beat slightly and he coughs. "But they were such simplified representations of cold war situations. Those characters were made to make us dumb capitalists feel superior to the commie hordes. Talk about Theater of the Absurd . . . " Michael thinks, "Shit, I can't remember the name of that play. The one with the . . . " Another twinge, this time definitely centered in his genitals, derails the thought. A slight warmth begins to spread and his heart moves noticably closer to his throat. ". . . I mean it gives Kant a bad name." He nods knowingly, wishing he could pick up one of the references and run with it. "Kant, yeah, 18th century, right?" he thinks. A barely subconscious voice interjects, "She looks so vulnerable in this light, she needs to be protected and nurtured". "I'm not sure what you mean", he says cautiously. "Oh, you know, Noumena and Phenomena". She frowns slightly. "The difference and distance between idea and reality." She looks up at the ceiling. "It's been a long time since I read it, too. I don't really remember it all." He has an urge to take her hand in his and say, "We could read it again, together." Open the stopcocks on his heart. For some reason he thinks it would be wonderful. Instead he says, "Do you want another beer?" "Sure." Hormones are titrating his internal organs as autonomic nerve impulses cavort through his chakras. The ring lights come on. "At the base of the skull, in the snake skin boots, please welcome Lizard Brain. His favorite foods are raw and his weapon of choice is the cattleprod nerve impulse. In the other corner, centrally located in the brain pan, wearing the hair shirt and loin cloth, let me introduce Monkey Brain. He likes hanging around with the clan and prefers hormone cocktails." Michael's Monkey Brain is gearing up to direct his Lizard Brain onto the evolutionarily correct path. And still his neo-cortex is puzzling over the link between Kant and Ioensco. "If I could talk about some of that stuff, maybe she would like me," he thinks as he orders two more Black and Tan's. The ring-side bell sounds. Sally, the bartender, a graceful woman of impecable charm, says, "Are you feeling OK?" He mumbles something unintelligable about eggplant from "Exit the King". She smiles encouragingly and nods towards the table where they are sitting. Lizard Brain sends a jolt up Monkey Brain's tail. Monkey Brain reacts by pumping some cheap endorphines into Lizard Brain's extremities. Lizard Brain is not fooled. Michael shakes his head and rolls his eyes heavenward. Sally shrugs. Michael's left eyelid twitches twice. He thinks, "I should get more sleep". He takes the two pint glasses back to the table. Lizard Brain does its best to make this difficult by causing unpredictable twitches in his lower extremities, as if preparing for a race. Monkey Brain steadies his arms with the feeling that he is carrying vital sustaining fluids. He still hasn't thought of anything glib to say about Kant. Maybe Kierkegaarde? "Thanks." "Now, 'The Dick van Dyke Show'", he trys to change the subject, "that was the height of TV". Monkey Brain ups the dosage. Michael's right middle toe tingles, then goes slightly numb. "Yeah, where she sat around all day in a sweater and slacks, waiting for him to come home." "High home, I'm horny". She laughs briefly. Lizard Brain's tail thrashes across Monkey Brain's backside. Michael notices that his left leg is getting pins and needles like it is going to sleep. He shifts his position in the chair. "What was her name? Laura." "The Rob and Laura Petries of New Rochelle", he says. Monkey Brain sprays a thin film of steroid compounds into Lizard Brain's face. For a moment, Michael feels like sneezing. "And what a dumpy set. A door, a couch, and a piano that no one ever played." She concentrates. "No, there was a kitchen and a bedroom, too". He laughs when she says the word bedroom and picks up his glass. Lizard Brain slashes at Monkey Brain's stomach. Michael takes a sip of beer and inhales at the same time. He manages to control the gag response, but his face slowly turns red. Monkey Brain makes a grab for Lizard Brain's throat. "And that stupid grin he had", he says finally, his voice a little higher than normal. "She became a big time producer, but what happened to him anyway?" "I don't know." Michael says, "I really don't know". He feels his jaw muscles tensing. Their stares cross about a foot and a half in front of their faces as they both look off tangentally, wondering what to say next. By this time Monkey Brain has taken Lizard Brain by the shoulders and is swinging it around and around skreeching "Feed her! Build a nest!" while Lizard Brain lashes out at Monkey Brain's face with its sharp little claws hissing "Fuckher, Fuckher". They are both getting dizzy and out of breath from the exertion. Michael's human brain begins to feel out of sorts. He thinks it may be the result of the second beer. Michael takes another sip of beer, correctly this time, and makes his major mistake. He blurts out, "You know I really like you". Monkey Brain trips over Lizard Brain's tail and they tumble onto the cerebellum still screaming at each other. She smiles at him, says, "I like you too", then looks back at the tangent. "I mean, do you, is there, any hope for me, uh, with you, you know." Monkey Brain and Lizard Brain both look up from their squabble, wondering if they will get a chance to join the conversation. She looks at her glass. "I don't know." Looks at him. Michael, Monkey Brain, and Lizard Brain look attentive. She looks back at the glass. "I just can't get involved right now. It would be too hard for me." He says, "Well, could you put me on your waiting list then?". Monkey Brain and Lizard Brain look at each other in disgust. Michael's scalp itches. She smiles and nods non-commitally. "I'll start sending her postcards", he thinks. Monkey Brain and Lizard Brain have collapsed. The bell rings at the end of round one. Flashes of half completed nerve impulses and residual hormones wax and wane through Michael's stomach lining. XXX (c) 1990 M. I. Smith