

Dr. James P. Crutchfield and the Santa Fe Institute  -- for supporting much of the initial development
Michael Shiloh and People Hater -- for fruitful discussion and inspiration
Brian Reinbolt -- for encouragement and review
Dr. Victoria Alexander and the Dactyl Foundation -- for giving me a deadline

and all the websites I ripped off for this presentation:
  http://www.sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/%7Ehideyuki/java/Attract.java -- the Lorenz attractor applet
http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/b/b1/Logistic-burification.png -- the logistic graph
http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/ -- Craig Reynolds multi-agent simulation site
http://www.codepuppies.com/~steve/aqua.html  -- the fishy applet
http://www.theobvious.com/network/ and  http://www.usdoj.gov/dojorg.gif -- the network diagrams
http://www.vasulka.org/Woody/Brotherhood/Brotherhood.html -- the Scribe video
http://www.how-why.com  -- chaos lessons and CA applet

start all over