Code trace of EightPuzzleDemo running eightPuzzleGreedyBestFirstDemo notes: ... = aima.core -- class init at load time -- class constructor at instantiation time -- VM Started -- ====== main ====== ====== Construct possible Actions and initial EightPuzzleBoard layouts | -- || -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard ||| -- ...agent.impl.DynamicAction |||| -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes |||| setAttribute -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes ||| -- ...agent.impl.DynamicAction |||| -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes |||| setAttribute -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes ||| -- ...agent.impl.DynamicAction |||| -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes |||| setAttribute -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes ||| -- ...agent.impl.DynamicAction |||| -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes |||| setAttribute -- ...agent.impl.ObjectWithDynamicAttributes || -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard || -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard || -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard ====== Start eightPuzzleGreedyBestFirstDemo main program | main -- || eightPuzzleGreedyBestFirstDemo -- ||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory ====== get Actions Function -- returns Set possible from current Board state ||| getActionsFunction -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory |||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory$EPActionsFunction ||||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory$EPActionsFunction ====== get Result Function -- returns new EightPuzzleBoard after exec of given Action ||| getResultFunction -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory |||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory$EPResultFunction ||||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory$EPResultFunction ====== get GoalTest Function -- returns true if given Board state matches the Goal state ||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleGoalTest |||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard (Goal state board) ====== instantiate Problem container object ====== using default Step Cost == 1 for each step ||| -- |||| -- |||| -- ====== instantiate GraphSearch object ====== implements search() state node descent ||| -- |||| -- ||||| -- |||||| -- ====== get search heuristic Function -- returns number of tiles out of place ====== note: this hard codes Goal state defined in EightPuzzleGoalTest ====== the ManhattanHeuristicFunction also hard codes the Goal... ||| -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction ====== instantiate GreedyBestFirstSearch object ||| -- |||| -- |||| -- ||||| -- ====== instantiate SearchAgent object ====== This runs the SEARCH in the construtor!!! ||| -- |||| -- ...agent.impl.AbstractAgent ====== -> |||| search -- ====== creates frontier Priority Queue which uses results of ====== getComparator() -> returns GreedyBestFirstEvaluationFunction ||||| getComparator -- |||||| --$1 ====== KLUDGE: pokes into GraphSearch to set replaceFrontierNodeAtStateCostFunction |||||| setReplaceFrontierNodeAtStateCostFunction -- ====== creates N sized frontier Priority Queue for GraphSearch using given comparator function) ||||| -- ...util.datastructure.PriorityQueue ====== Start Searching.... ====== called from ||||| search -- ====== clears it's explored and frontier Lists, then calls to do work ====== then calls to do work |||||| search -- ====== -- Real Search ====== clear Metrics ||||||| clearInstrumentation -- |||||||| clearInstrumentation -- ||||||||| set -- ====== Get starting state as root Node ||||||| getInitialState -- ||||||| -- ====== (Don't) Check that we are done already ||||||| isCheckGoalBeforeAddingToFrontier -- ====== Put root Node into frontier queue ||||||| insert -- ...util.datastructure.PriorityQueue ====== Set size of Metrics to frontier queue size -- dunno why? ||||||| setQueueSize -- |||||||| set -- ====== START SEARCH (finally: loop in ====== WHILE there are frontier Nodes (and thread still running) ||||||| isEmpty -- ...util.datastructure.PriorityQueue ||||||| currIsCanceled -- ...util.CancelableThread ====== get highest priority frontier Node from queue ====== and remove it from GraphSearch.frontierState Map ||||||| popNodeFromFrontier -- |||||||| popNodeFromFrontier -- ...................... removed a bunch of housekeeping calls ............. ====== Set size of Metrics to frontier queue size -- why each time? ||||||| setQueueSize -- ====== Now check if we are done ||||||| isCheckGoalBeforeAddingToFrontier -- ||||||| isGoalState -- |||||||| getGoalTest -- |||||||| getState -- |||||||| isGoalState -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleGoalTest ||||||||| equals -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard |||||||||| getPositionOf -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard |||||||||| getPositionOf -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleBoard ====== Not done... ====== BEGIN Expand the current node to a new frontier set ====== The smarts about what paths to take are coded in this method ||||||| getResultingNodesToAddToFrontier -- ====== first save old expanding Node state in "explored" Set |||||||| getState -- ================== FOR expandNode ====== make a list of possible Nodes |||||||| expandNode -- ====== get the various functions we need ||||||||| getActionsFunction -- ||||||||| getResultFunction -- ||||||||| getStepCostFunction -- ====== get a list of Actions we can perform from this Node's state ====== using Actions Function from "Problem" ||||||||| getState -- ||||||||| actions -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory$EPActionsFunction ======================== expandNode() FOR each Action in list ====== get a result state for Action execution ====== using Results Function from "Problem" ||||||||| getState -- ||||||||| result -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleFunctionFactory$EPResultFunction ====== get the cost of the Action execution ====== using Step Cost Function from "Problem" ====== note: this is NOT the heuristic, just the default step cost ||||||||| getState -- ||||||||| c -- ====== add a new Node to childNodes list to return ||||||||| -- |||||||||| -- ================== end FOR loop expandNode ====== set Metrics ||||||||| set -- ====== return new Node list ====== GraphSearch.getResultingNodesToAddToFrontier() ====== FOR each Node from expandNode list ====== if it's not in explored or frontier lists, ====== put in addToFrontier list ====== if it's in frontier with higher cost, ====== replace in list ====== return addToFrontier list to ================= END of expand parent Node ================ ====== FOR getResultingNodesToAddToFrontier() ====== Insert addToFrontier Nodes into frontier queue ====== do not check for Goal before adding ||||||| isCheckGoalBeforeAddingToFrontier -- ================ START insert into queue =================== ||||||| insert -- ...util.datastructure.PriorityQueue ====== use GreedyBestFirstEvaluationFunction with ====== MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction to order queue |||||||| compare --$1 ||||||||| compare --$1 |||||||||| access$0 -- |||||||||| f -- ||||||||||| getState -- ||||||||||| h -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction |||||||||||| getNumberOfMisplacedTiles -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.MisplacedTilleHeuristicFunction ................... lots of housekeeping ...................... ================= END queue insert ========================= ====== set Metrics Queue size to frontier size -- dunno why... ||||||| setQueueSize -- ================== back to top of WHILE frontier Node loop ================ ||||||| isEmpty -- ...util.datastructure.PriorityQueue ||||||| currIsCanceled -- ...util.CancelableThread ====== get the next highest priority Node ||||||| popNodeFromFrontier -- |||||||| popNodeFromFrontier -- ||||||| setQueueSize -- ||||||| isCheckGoalBeforeAddingToFrontier -- ||||||| isGoalState -- ====== NOT Goal state ... continue expanding ================== FOR loop add to add new frontier nodes ||||||| getResultingNodesToAddToFrontier -- |||||||| expandNode -- ||||||| isCheckGoalBeforeAddingToFrontier -- ||||||| insert -- ...util.datastructure.PriorityQueue ||||||| setQueueSize -- ================== END WHILE loop on frontier Nodes ============ ================== N times until Goal is met ============ ................................ ====== If we should check for Goal now -- yes -- then do it ||||||| isCheckGoalBeforeAddingToFrontier -- ||||||| isGoalState -- |||||||| getGoalTest -- |||||||| getState -- |||||||| isGoalState -- ...environment.eightpuzzle.EightPuzzleGoalTest ........................whole bunch of housekeeping ..................... ====== This IS the GOAL -- return out of ====== get and save the total path cost ||||||| getPathCost -- ||||||| setPathCost -- |||||||| set -- ||||||| getPathFromRoot -- |||||||| isRootNode -- |||||||| getParent -- |||||||| isRootNode -- |||||||| getParent -- |||||||| isRootNode -- |||||||| getParent -- |||||||| isRootNode -- ======= Get and return the Actions to perform in solution ||||||| actionsFromNodes -- |||||||| getAction -- |||||||| getAction -- |||||||| getAction -- ====== Print out results |||| getMetrics -- ||||| getMetrics -- ||| getActions -- ||| printActions -- ||| getInstrumentation -- ||| printInstrumentation -- ====== main end ====== -- The application exited --